Did you Save your Photos?”

What is Save Your Photos Day?
Save Your Photos Day is a global event intended to educate the public about the importance of safeguarding their treasured photos. As digital media continues to expand, we can not keep up.  Most of us have not developed a system to organize, preserve, and display our printed and digital photos.  We are literally drowning in a sea of photos.  Unfortunately, in the digital age we live in, it does not just take an event such as a tornado, flood or fire to wipe out our cherished memories. A crashed hard drive, lost cell phone or misplaced SD card can have the same impact on your photos and treasured memorabilia as a flood or tornado.  We want to help you prepare before disaster strikes! Save Your Photos Day is open to anyone and everyone who wants to learn more about safeguarding their photos and treasured memorabilia.
When is Save Your Photos Day?
The first annual Save Your Photos Day is September 27th.  There are currently 59 Save Your Photos Day free events planned in 25 states, 3 countries and it’s still growing!  There is also a free online class available to those that can not attend a local event. To find a local event if your area or to sign up for the free online class go to http://www.saveyourphotos.org/find-event-locations.html.
Imagine how great it would feel if you and all of your loved ones had peace of mind that all of your photos were safeguarded from natural disasters and hard drive failures!


  1. Mary Moseley

    Chelle,  Thanks for helping us spread the word about the first annual Save Your photos Day!  It was a great day and we are excited to help memory keepers safeguard their photos.  We are keeping our free online class open indefinitely so anyone can sign up at anytime at http://www.bephotowise.com/save-your-photos-day/.   Mark your calendar for next years event on September 26, 2015.  Have a great day!  

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