Hello Scrappers!
The single best piece of photography advice is “ZOOM IN”.  Either with your camera or with your feet.  Get in close. Capture the details.  Whether it’s your child swinging at the park or your first tulip blossoming, get up close. Together our eyes & brains are pretty smart.  If you see a photo of a child with the top of his head cropped off, you don’t believe he has a flat head, you’ll know you just can’t see it.  So ZOOM IN.  Zoom in on the head of one of the ducks at the pond.  Zoom in on the center of one of the flowers in your garden.

If you are scrapping with photos already taken the same concept applies. But instead we’ll call it “CROP IN”. Every photo doesn’t need to have your entire child in it.  A close up of his chubby little fingers trying to peel the foil off another chocolate Easter Egg will be more exciting. It will help tell your story.  A close up of her adorable chocolate covered face will show how much she’s enjoying her Easter goodies.

Next time you are taking photos, remember to zoom in.  And when you pull out some photos to scrap, look for opportunities to “crop in”. Here’s some examples from the creative team. Great Job ladies! Talk with your soon.




Erica used “Litabelle Designs Head Start #4” template with her LO.