We’ve all had those days: days when nothing goes right, our emotions are raw, and we wish things were different somehow. That’s the perfect time to turn on the computer and get out the digital scrapbooking supplies and make a page. After all, it’s cheaper than therapy, right? Sometimes, getting your feelings down on a page is very therapeutic. Take for example Leslie’s page. She recently moved across the country and has had an incredible workload because of her situation. Understandably, she is tired and frustrated. Rather than yell at her kids or sulk, she made a page using the dark paper and graph paper in Play the Game, CU Bubble Wrap Brushes, flowers from Eeeeek!, and she wrote about how she was feeling. It was the perfect therapy for the moment. LBeahm-scrappingtherapy

I like to do introspective pages on occasion, and I like to use quotes from literature or poetry to express my feelings. Somehow, I find that someone else has already written what I want to express at the moment. Kairyn also likes to use quotes, and recently she was thinking about family members who are far away, so she used a favorite quote to express her feelings.08BookCoverPage By the way, she used Chelle’s Family Tree kit to make her lovely page.

Jan decided to share a poster she made for us. I think it would be the perfect accessory to my home office wall. She used Chelle’s Fill Me In {Marker} alpha and the iOnline kit that was shared with her Facebook fans a few months ago. therapy2

You can download it here

Have you scrapped for therapy lately? It can be very helpful to relieving stress.