Hey Friends! If you are like me, most likely your smart phone is filling up with apps. Little programs that help you with everything from losing weight to entertaining the kids.  Some apps help with memory keeping.  Just click on the image and we’ll hook you up. Here are some of our favorites:

Did you know you can set up your phone to automatically upload your photos to your computer?  I even have it set up to upload photos my husband or kids take on their phones.  Yay!
A Beautiful Mess:
Add words and doodles to your photos for sharing.  Bonus:  Add the funny things your kids say…right on top of the photos.  You can save the “with words” version to your camera roll so you’ll remember it when you are ready to scrap.
Add the weather details to a photo on your phone.  What a fun way to document the weather.
Big Lens:
Bring DSLR-Level Depth of Field to Your Device
Camera +
This is the camera app I use most on my phone.  I LOVE the touch for exposure & focus.  Backlit photos are no problem.  Just touch the spot you want to be well lit & in focus and camera + makes the adjustment so you can shoot.
For quick and easy collages.  Warning: results are med resolution, but not high resolution.  They’ll work great for pocket scrapping, but not for a collage that fills your layout.  For that you’ll want to see my collage templates.
Posterity: The Family Quote Book
Record audio snippets (either the actual quote or you remembering the quote).  Add a time & a pic.

Socializing in the Forums:

Maybe you already knew about these apps, maybe not, but I hope we gave you some great ideas for what to look for.