Hello Friends!

Everyday Life. How do you digital scrapbook the things we do on a daily basis or things that find their way into most of our days? I think of Alarm Clocks, Breakfast, Dishes, Laundry, Hair, Make-Up, Kids/Bus, Lunches, Recess, School Bus, Changing Diapers, Feeding the Baby, Rocking the Baby, Homework, Soccer, Dance, Walking the Dog, Dinner, Sleeping. I’m sure you’ve thought of several others. Could you do a layout for each of your children, your hubby or spouse, Grandma, Grandpa?

A few year’s ago my sister had a hysterectomy. My (3 & 4 year old) nieces wanted to make us each a Christmas card and decided to draw our hobbies on the card. They really made us laugh (hard) when they drew my sister Barb taking a nap. She WAS on pain pills and did keep falling asleep. In their funny little minds, Barb’s hobby was napping. (She was NOT amused.) LOL So, another fun idea might be what your kids think Grandma or Grandpa’s everyday life includes.

I wanted to see what our Creative Team thought of when given the assignment of creating an everyday life layout. So let me show you what our ladies did! Kassie’s was about making a pony tail. She used Mane Event. With 2 girls, she does pony tails pretty often.

Kassie (kass_23) She used Mane Event

Jenn V used a theme “Because of Pizza” and her shopping trips to Costco. She used Pizza & Pasta.

Jenn V (jennv) She used Pasta & Pizza

Jan M (QuiltyMom) used her everyday life experience of her daughter at the skating rink. She used Toe Picks & Figure 8s, Lovin from the Oven, Bluebird on my Shoulder, Love Grows, Winter Thrills & Home for the Holidays.

Jan M (quiltymom) She used Toe Picks & Figure 8s, Lovin in the Oven, Bluebird on my Shoulder, Love Grows, Winter Thrills, & Home for the Holidays

Helen used “tidy up” as her theme. Something she does everyday. Helen used One Year Older.

Helen S (winipeg1) She used One Year Older

I hope I’ve given you some ideas for your next everyday life layout.