Hello Friends! It’s Monday and that means I get to peruse the gallery for some great digital scrapbooking layouts to share with you. This week I found 2 that I want to show you.

Zippyoh used At the Park to share her reunion memories. I really like the different shapes she used to create her layout.

by Zippyoh She used At the Park

by Zippyoh She used At the Park


Shari used Primarily Mini, Celebrate Bold, & Chilln & Grillin. Her use of the 3 pictures really tells the tale of the pinata party they had.

Pinata Fun by Shari (Right) She used Primary Mini, Celebrate Bold, & Chilln & Grillin

Pinata Fun by Shari (Right) She used Primary Mini, Celebrate Bold, & Chilln & Grillin

Primarily Mini cc_Celebrate_bold_preview_2_post cc_chillngrill_preview 2 post

Make sure you remember to upload your layouts to the gallery. I really enjoy looking at what you create.
