Hey all. I’m a few days late on bi-monthly digital scrapbooking post on Unlikely Pairs. Dang! I got so excited about Iron Scrapper that I completely forgot. My apologies. I love the combination of these 2 kits. They totally take me back to dressing up for Pioneer Day (Utah’s State Holiday). We’d get out our dresses and bonnets and head for the parade in our small town. My Dad (Chelle’s Grandpa) planted a HUGE garden, and if that wasn’t enough, he also planted my Grandma Griffin’s (Chelle’s great grandma) garden and she only lived 1 block away. We always had gardening to do and I have to say, I’m GRATEFUL I didn’t have to do it in long-sleeved, full-length dresses and a bonnet.

Here’s the two kits used in this post.

cc_CTRtrek_ cc_grandmas_bundle_preview_2_post

Wait til you see what our CT Ladies created…. First up is Samantha (Semantje) She created this lovely LO about the gardens at Disneyland Paris. The musical notes have me thinking of favorite songs is the Disney tradition, although I don’t know them in French. Love the lace and ribbons.

Samantha (Semantje)

Erica (stanworth) used these 2 kits to talk about storytime at Old Mill Park. Love the use of the white space around that marvelous photo. Her clustering is amazing and I love the placement of the bonnet.

Erica (Stanworth)

Next we have Leah (CatLady). She used a popular State Park in Utah. I love this LO. Her use of the strips, the hat above the boys pulling the handcart, the clusters and the strip of additional pictures… it really makes me want to join in and “push and pull” that handcart.

Leah (CatLady)

Melissa (KSCroppyChick) recently had this picture taken. I love the use of the large photo. Those costumes are super great!  Love the use of the browns to pull in the shading of the photo. The “wild west” strip really draws the eye to the covered wagon and I can just imagine the wagon heading across the page.

This has been one of my favorite “Unlikely Pairs” post. I hope you enjoyed it also.
