Hi Ladies! How was your holiday? Mine was pretty quiet and calm. This month our perfect pairs digital scrapbooking products complement each other as well as Memorial Day. We asked our team of creative genius’s to combine History Lessons & Military Bundle. Chelle even has the military bundle on for 30% off through tomorrow, 5/29.

Now let me show me  what the ladies came up with:

First we have Jenn Schultz. The alpha is part of the Military Bundle. Just WOW!

Jenn S (jennschultz)

Next we have Jen (supergirljennie)  She’s guesting for  us in June and July, but wanted to contribute to this post. Boy did she ever. Check this out.

Jen (supergirljennie)

She used the Military Bundle and a Friday freebie from Chelle’s Blog.

Here are the links to the market. Click on the images, I have you all linked up.


cc_historylessons_preview 2 post

Look through your photos, I’m sure you’ll find a picture(s) that you could use History Lessons and the Military Bundle to create your next layout.
