Hello Friends! Is your Superbowl party ready to go? Do you have all the chips and crackers, dips & snacks, appetizers? Is your grill ready to go? All you need is the actual game and the pictures. Chelle has the digital scrapbooking food (Food 4 Fans) & game (Play the Game)  accessories already for you to scrap! Just add your photos. IF that doesn’t inspire you, our Creative Team did a couple of layouts that will.

Erica (stanworth) created this layout using both kits. Love the measuring tape and the clustering. I’m loving the green graph paper. What’s your favorite thing about this layout?

Erica (stanworth)

Jenn J (jmljensen) said she recolored the alpha and large hand. I love the fan-tabulous background paper and the strips of paper. This layout looks all gritty and full of mud ground into the background. Obviously my favorite thing about this LO is that background paper. What would you scraplift?

Jenn J (jmljensen) She recolored the alpha and large hand.

Here are the different options you have from Chelle’s products.
I hope you all have a great Superbowl Party and enjoy the game. Hugs!