It’s almost Valentine’s Day, and digital scrapbooking kits with a love theme are popping up all over. Chelle has a great kit that combines this love theme with a techy feel called Techno Love. It’s great for scrapping your pictures of your sweeties with their electronic gadgets. Her team has had some fun playing with it this week, so let’s take a look.

First, Heather had an adorable photo of her daughter playing with the Kindle, and she used Techno Love to make the perfect digital scrapbooking page. I love the way she used the little USB heart cable to layer on top of the matted photo. 12335621254_91a88ff3dd_o

Next, Jen used the kit to make a page with a special black and white photo of her and her baby. Her title is from the Techno Love Collection – perfect for the theme of the kit and perfect for this page.0513_zpse9b24ee8

Finally, Jan also used a black and white photo with this kit. I love that she used a light paper for the background, and I love her story! She used a not-so-perfect family photo and tells us that this happens every time she tries to get a good one. Isn’t that familiar?technolove

Here’s a closer look at the kit and the collection in the market. cc_technolove_kitcc_technolove_bundle

Happy Valentine’s Day to you!
