It’s a question I get asked frequently:  Where is the best place to print photo books?  And my first answer is always Adoramapix!  Because the quality is OUTSTANDING!  I have printed more than 50 photo books with various companies.  My favorites are definitely the Adoramapix books.  Here’s a few reasons why:

The photos are printed on actual photo paper.   This means your layouts are profession quality photos.  Just amazing.  (And my photos cannot really do justice to the way these books look in real life.)


The pages are actually 8×16 (or 10×20, etc) sheets of photo paper sealed together back to back = absolutely NO gutter.  Not a little gap of plastic = “lay flat binding” but actually  NO GUTTER.  This means I can stick things in the “seam” without any worry of what will be missing.  I’ve put faces & text right down that seam.  Like this:



Note:  This is my son’s FAVORITE book.  He ‘reads’ it all the time & regularly requests it as a bedtime story, hence the well worn cover corners.

And the cover is a strong thick board, covered with your full color photo.  They have templates so you can design your cover to make it exactly what you want.


They have coupons!  No really.  Adoramapix books are not cheap, but they do have awesome deals like these:

From :


From Groupon:

Screen Shot 2014-08-07 at 12.02.33 PM

If you’ve never printed your layouts in a photo book, I would encourage you to give it a try.  Just pick your favorite 10 layouts (or 10 of your favorites) and get a book ordered while these coupons are valid.  You’ll love the results!

Now excuse me while I go finish a book.

by chelle