Holiday Questions | Digital Scrapbooking Resources

Hello Everyone! Today for Words on Wednesday I wanted to give you some lists of questions you can ask family members about. They can be questions for kids or questions for older folks, really anyone you want to ask about an event in their life. Once you have the information, you can scrap about it. Maybe make it an annual tradition. Grandma’s and Grandpa’s often remember stories that they might have forgotten for different decades of their lives.

Here’s an idea by cherish|BOUND. Start by paying tribute. Honor the oldest member of the family by having each person go around the table and share memories. Start the conversation with questions like, “Tell about a time they made you laugh,” “What is a lesson you have learned from __________,” or “Describe something you think __________ is good at.”

A few other questions came to mind that are for the younger family members. These relate to Christmas/Santa, but you’ll see below the Creative Team went in other directions. Make the questions fit your needs.

  • ? How old do you think Santa is?
  • ? How many elves does Santa have?
  • ? How many reindeer does Santa have in training?
  • ? What is your favorite Christmas color?
  • ? Do you like real trees or fake trees?
  • ? Should Santa wrap the presents he leaves under the tree?
  • ? Do you think twinkling lights are better than solid lights?
  • ? What is your favorite Christmas song?
  • ? Do you like Christmas carols?
  • ? How does Santa fit down a chimney?
  • ? Who is your favorite reindeer after Rudolph

Here are the ideas from the Creative Team.

Erica (stanworth) used Taste of Home, Dandy Alpha and Love My Fans Alpha by Chelle’s Creations.

Erica’s questions: (1) Describe something you are really good at? (2) What are you most thankful for right now? Why? What makes it important to you? (3) What is a lesson you learned this year? (4) Tell me about a time that you really laughed hard?

Jenn Schultz (jennschultz) used We Wish You A Merry Christmas Bundle.

Jenn’s Questions: (1) What is your favorite Christmas memory? (2) If you could go back in time and change one thing, what would it be and why? (3) What is the first work that comes to mind when you think Christmas? (4) What is the greatest gift you have to offer someone? (5) Who is your role model and why do you admire them? (6) What do you love most about the person sitting next to you?






Kassie had a list of questions she asked her kids and then scrapped the list next to a large photo. ?’s like favorite TV show, restaurant, food, color, etc.

I was standing in the pharmacy just today and noticed a box about the size of matches. Inside were questions you could ask little girl’s at a sleepover, or questions you can ask on a road trip. Just start asking some questions and before you know it, you’ll have a page ready to scrap.


Sneaky Peek Winner | Digital Scrapbooking Freebies

And the winner is: Lori B. Congrats! Lori!  Please contact Chelle for your coupon code.



Mmmmm!  Something smells delicious!  Savor those kitchen & baking memories.  Warm, gooey, fresh-baked goodness…those aromas and feelings will come flooding back as your loved ones cherish your layouts.  Baking bread with Grandma, mixing cookies with Mommy, licking the beaters, tiny treats from a child-sized oven…perfect for all your home-baked memories.

Help me spread the word and earn a chance to win this tasty collection!
Remember we have NEW RULES!!!
You can enter to win by sharing the sneak peek. You can…
1. share it on your blog
2. share it on Facebook
3. share it via twitter
4. share it on Pinterest
Remember, since the winner is chosen using a random number generator, be sure to come back and know in a new comment when you’ve done each way.
Deadline: 11:59 PM EST Wednesday.

Oh Come Let Us Adore Him | DIgital Scrapbooking Classics

I am really excited about today’s blog post because I get to tell you about a truly wonderful digital scrapbooking kit, Oh Come Let Us Adore Him. It just so happens this is my all-time favorite Christmas kit on the market, bar none. I have a real affinity for Christmas kits, and I have been known to purchase far too many of them. I have lots of kits I have never used, and yet, I have made dozens of things from this kit and the quickies including  Christmas cards, calendar pages, coffee mugs and yes, even scrapbook pages. Chelle’s creative team members love this kit as much as I do, and they have made some pages to show you.

Karen made a page with a blended photo of a nativity scene that she and her children use every year, and of course, this kit is perfect for it. I love how she included Luke 2:11 on her page, and I love the way she has repeated the “Away in a Manger” song words element from the kit to tie all the elements of the page together. The words are subtle since they are dark on a blue background, but they are very powerful in conveying the meaning of the page and the season.mangerKaren

Jan also had a nativity scene in a photograph to show us. She recently visited Hershey Park and was impressed by the site of the crèche outside the entrance to the park. Her page looks like she has added dozens of nice little touches, and she has, but her secret is that she has taken advantage of Chelle’s help by using a quickie background paper, already decorated, and a frame cluster for her photo. All she needed to add was the journaling and the title art and she was finished with a beautifully decorated page. crecheJan

Finally, Dagi has made a photoless page that shows simply and beautifully the story of Christmas. This page would make a beautiful calendar top for the month of December, or it would be a lovely cover for a photobook of your December memories or a December daily project. The felt people look real enough to touch, and I love the effect of the red patterned paper cut in a wavy pattern.Chelle_OcomeLetUsAdoreHim_1Dagi

Be sure you take a close look at the kit and the quickies in the market. You can also purchase the felties alone, if you like. By the way, I always buy the quickies Chelle makes because when I use them, it’s like having Chelle scrapbook for me, so it saves me time, and my pages look professional when I’m done. I hope you’ll take advantage of them, too. And, I hope your Christmas celebrations include looking closely at the nativity scenes you see to discover the meaning of Christmas.


Lovin’ from the Oven Sneak Peek & Chance to Win! | Digital Scrapbook Giveaway

Mmmmm!  Something smells delicious!  Savor those kitchen & baking memories.  Warm, gooey, fresh-baked goodness…those aromas and feelings will come flooding back as your loved ones cherish your layouts.  Baking bread with Grandma, mixing cookies with Mommy, licking the beaters, tiny treats from a child-sized oven…perfect for all your home-baked memories.

Help me spread the word and earn a chance to win this tasty collection!
Remember we have NEW RULES!!!
You can enter to win by sharing the sneak peek. You can…
1. share it on your blog
2. share it on Facebook
3. share it via twitter
4. share it on Pinterest
Remember, since the winner is chosen using a random number generator, be sure to come back and know in a new comment when you’ve done each way.
Deadline: 11:59 PM EST Wednesday.