More Inspiration

More Inspiration

Melissa here, aka Pretty Peaches, with some more inspiration with Chelle’s awesome kit, Let’s Camp S’more :) I just love this kit and I thought why not share some awesome goodies I found in the gallery!

First, here’s a LO by scrappin5kids.. I love that she used the kit for a project 365:

Secondly, here’s a LO by Karen32.. Lovin’ the photo and how she has all those yummy clusters:

Thirdly, here’s a LO by becks177.. I just love how there are sooo many different angles on this LO:

And lastly, here’s a LO by McBDesigns.. Lovin all the photos:

Hope everyone was inspired to scrap some Summer photos using Chelle’s awesome kit.. If you don’t already have this kit, then you need to head over to grab this kit!! Can’t wait to see your awesome LO’s in the gallery.