Hello Everyone! Hope you’re having a great Wednesday! Aunt Sari here to talk about Titles. We seem to either love them or hate them. One fun way to change things up is to separate your title into a title & a subtitle. Chelle does this all the time with her word arts. One or two words are large & made with an alpha, the rest are done with a font. Whatever you choose do, word art titles really add color and fun to any LO. See you soon!

Aren’t these adorable? I look at them and I see family cookouts, amusement parks, water parks, watching community softball or baseball games. We used to play water balloon volleyball when I was in my 20s–worked out really good too, unless you had a partner who preferred to break the balloons rather than catch them with your towel and send them back over the net to someone else. Who can think of summer now without the human elastic rubber band game. I”m sure you all have great ideas. Here’s some from the Creative Team: First up we have Cara showing us a field trip to the Zoo. The contrast on the title (word art) really pops.

Next up is Ophelia with a super design on trains. The Polar Express title really helps me hear the clackety-clack and the whistle to alert everyone the train is pulling into the station.

Last, we have Roxana who used different sub-titled tags to help frame her pictures. I love the title of “Oh My” It really pulls all the dark elements together. Now I need some candy corn. Bummer!

Want MORE? Check out the matching kits in the market. Make A Splash, Chillin & Grillin, Ticket To Ride, & Sunnyside Up in the market.